Employee Restricstions

I have an EE (33 yrs. seniority) who has a chronic condition deemed WC from back in the early 1980s. She has continual work restrictions (although need to be updated) that we have been able to accomodate without much problem - until now.

I have another EE (25 yrs. seniority) who recently had surgery (non-work related) and has returned to work with temporary restrictions. Both EEs do basically the same job although this EE has always done the more "physical" aspects of the job while the other EE has done the more "clerical" aspects.

EE#2's restrictions significantly restrict her from doing the physical parts of the job and EE#1 does NOT want to do the physical parts of the job due to her restrictions. Neither want to transfer out of the department.

My inclination is to transfer EE#2 out of the department until her restrictions are lifted and transfer someone who can do ALL the aspects of the job into this department. Leaving both in their current jobs will require me to bring another person into the department, anyway.

Anyone see any problems with this?


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