Retiree or Just Collecting a Vested Pension?? Is there a difference??

Our union contract states that "Retirees" and their spouse receive health care benefits. It also sets the retirement eligibility date (in the current contract age 55). My interpretation of "Retiree" is someone who leaves employment upon or after reaching the retirement eligibility date. Some individuals who left our employment after being vested in the pension plan but prior to reaching the retirement eligibility date interpret it as "anyone receiving pension plan payments" and feel they are entitled to the health care benefits, also, when the come back after 10 years at age 55 and draw their pension plan payments. It's a given that this issue will wind up in litigation in the very near future. I was wondering if anyone had anything they could share on the definition of "Retiree".
Next contract you might want to clarify "retiree."