Sexual Harassment Training

I am looking to purchase Sexual Harassment training in a CD format. I will need one for all employees and an additional one for Managers and Supervisors if that specific training is not included with the all employees training.

I can find all sorts of SH training on VHS but I really need to have this training on a CD. I can also find many SH training sessions online but that won’t work for me.

Does anyone use SH training on CD that they could recommend to me? Would really appreciate any help, input or suggestions.

Thanks in advance :)


  • 13 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Well, goodness............ Seems I am the only HR professional who has a Sexual Harassment training policy in place or is it that no one on this forum knows me so won't respond? Or, perhaps, you have to have a certain number of posts here under your belt before you can get responses?

  • This does seem like a topic you'd get a lot of response to.

    I don't currently have a program and need to start one. We have 95% women who take great joy in instigating banter with our few male employees. Then when our male employees respond in the same vein, sometime the females get upset.

    In addition, we have a few male teachers. We need some kind of training to help them understand how to avoid putting htemselves in an "wrong perception" situation, since they teach young children. The men mostly teach children ages 5-12. We don't currently allow the men to work in "diapering" classrooms for this reason. Right or wrong, I don't know.
  • I agree HRQ and thank you for taking the time to respond.

    I know I cannot be the only person who reads this forum who has a formal SH training program in place. And I have to believe further that at least one or two forum members conduct their SH training using training materials on a CD rather than a VHS tape.

    I provide SH training to each new employee within a month of their hire date and conduct a company wide refresher SH training session once a year for all employees and managers.

    In this day and age you cannot be too careful when it comes to sexual harassment.
  • Well, Nicole, you're not the only one out there who has a program -- but I must admit yours is more ambitious than mine -- I don't have much time for it. I review the harassment policy with new hires on the date of hire and conduct annual training (video-PowerPoint-lecture based) at each of our properties. But I imagine there are those out here who use CD-based training (most of my folks are not computer-accessible). Good luck. x:-)
  • Have you ever thought that noone has read your post in the last day who has a CD program? Are you hoping to incite those to respond to your insult? I have found that people respond when they either know something about the subject, or feel passionate enough to respond. As far as I know, it has nothing to do with who you are or how many posts you have.

    Geez, I'm getting curmudgeonly like Don...I'm going back to my cell now!

    Welcome to the Forum, and no, I don't have a CD program with which to offer you help. Try a search on Google or your favorite search engine.
  • Definitely been hanging around Don too long, my friend. x:-)
  • Well, I had not heard that there was a tropical depression off the coast of Florida but it would appear there is one and the next Hurricane may be called Nicole. As HS in NJ said, it makes no difference who you are, where your from or how many posts you have to get excellent advice on this forum. I posted a question with my 3rd or 4th post, no one knew who I was and I got wonderful responses from those who had experienced what I was asking about.

    I conduct Sexual Harrassment training for all new-hires and yearly for all employees with an additional class for supervisors and managers. I use videos, over-heads and handouts and about every 3 years will contract with a professional organization to conduct my supervisor / management class.

    Your original post asked a very specific question concerning training on CD. That is why I, and I'm sure scores of the other very nice, very helpful, knowledgeable forumites did not respond. Welcome to the forum and keep reading and posting and I know you will get the information you are seeking and also occasionally a good laugh that we all need.
  • Hi Nicole....don't give up the ghost on getting responses off of this forum, I just began using it and have had great success my first try. I just think many of us do not do what we really should be doing therefore don;t have too many ideas on the subject. I too give out the required info for all new hires and should be doing Harrassment training yearly but have yet to get a good progrma together for myself. I just recently have an issue on discrimination which falls directly into that training as well so there are many avenues to cover. My dilema is trying to implement a serious program for a bunch of truck drivers. I would be interested to see what kind of help you do get. SHRM does have some great training materials, you might try their web site and also HR direct ([url][/url]).

    Would like to hear from you & share info if possible. Have a great day!
  • Sorry, we don't have the training on CD. We just completed this training for everyone in the organization. We used video, handouts and group discussion. I actually try to avoid CD training. If we can get people together to discuss problems/training topics we feel it strengthens their bonds in the company.

    I hope you find the training that best suits your company... and welcome to the forum!
  • Nicole - try BLR ([url][/url]). They just sent me a sample CD that included a variety of supervisor/mgr training, including harrassment. I ended up sending it back before the no-risk 30 day trial ended because it was too basic for us and I prefer vcr training. But you might find something that helps you.
  • >Nicole - try BLR ([url][/url]). They just sent me a sample CD that
    >included a variety of supervisor/mgr training, including harrassment.
    >I ended up sending it back before the no-risk 30 day trial ended
    >because it was too basic for us and I prefer vcr training. But you
    >might find something that helps you.

    Thank you, blj3837.

  • >Hi Nicole....don't give up the ghost on getting responses off of this
    >forum, I just began using it and have had great success my first try.
    >I just think many of us do not do what we really should be doing
    >therefore don;t have too many ideas on the subject. I too give out
    >the required info for all new hires and should be doing Harrassment
    >training yearly but have yet to get a good progrma together for
    >myself. I just recently have an issue on discrimination which falls
    >directly into that training as well so there are many avenues to
    >cover. My dilema is trying to implement a serious program for a bunch
    >of truck drivers. I would be interested to see what kind of help you
    >do get. SHRM does have some great training materials, you might try
    >their web site and also HR direct ([url][/url]).
    >Would like to hear from you & share info if possible. Have a great

    Thank you, richterma.

  • Ok, I thought your question was do we know of a training CD, not do we have a Sexual Harassment Policy...We do have a policy which governs 200,000 employees, a 12 page tool kit on how to train on said policy (with about 5 or 6 links to bring managers to yet another site of information) and an on-line training for those who wish to add another training to their scorecard. But, alas, no CD.
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