discipline and hand scanners

Here's one about which I'd appreciate some opinions.

In March, we implemented a new point system for attendance. We use hand scanners for time keeping. Over the past few months, some of the scanners have been down from time to time. When the scanners are down, we do not issue points, unless an attendance infraction is reported by a manager.

Now, our CEO wants to void all points for any infractions that deal with the hand scanners (missed scans and lates) based on the reasoning that if one hand scanner was down, those employees were not being held to the same standard as the employees who were working in facilities where the hand scanners were working. (Even though the manager could write the employee up for attendance infractions)

Any thoughts on this?



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think it would hurt morale to take away an already implemented program. Some employees may be working really hard on their attendance and doing well. If you take this away from them it will be discouraging and disappointing.

    They will ask themselves, why do I even bother and return to poor attendance. Even if there are flaws, keep the program running until the end and fix the problems the next time.
  • I agree. A company I used to work for changed its attendance policy and decided to drop everyone down 5 points. The individuals with less than 5 went to zero. We thought we were doing a good thing but the employees with good attedance became quite upset. Their thoughts were the same as JM's in that their good attendace was not rewarded so why should they worry about not accumulating points if those with poor attendance reaped the rewards.
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