Incentive plan

Our customer Service dept. has been having trouble with errors and so we would like to incorporate an incentive plan to see if we could get this problem under control. I was wondering if any company out there uses an incentive plan and if so, if you would be willing to share the information.




  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have two incentive programs to improve on the job safety in our department. For every six months that we do not have a time-lost accident company-wide, every employee receives a paid day off to be taken within one calendar year. Maybe you could tailor this to fit the department. You may also consider putting the names of the people with no errors in a monthly drawing - the prizes can be small, an extended lunch, something like that, or let them earn a day off if they have no errors in 3 or 6 months. The only thing that gets me is that it is hard to stop the reward system once you start it. Maybe an encouraging memo placed in everyone's view (in a breakroom maybe) stating that employee so-and-so has been doing an exceptional job, etc. would do the trick. Sometimes recognition means more to an employee than anything material or even monetary. ...although I have no pride and am always open to donations to the Linda-is-broke fund ...
  • Incentive plans like this drive me nuts! Why should employees be given something "extra" for doing their job correctly?? So because they have been doing a poor job with errors, now if they start doing it right we will pay them more?? I don't think so....
  • While I don't disagree that just doing your job well because it's what you are expected to do should be incentive enough, that's not always going to work...

    this is the model currently used in our telephone operations agrea....i'm not sure where they found it...but it seems to be working fairly well.. I know there is more to it...but hopefully this can get you started...

    "Fish! is a remarkable new business model that has taken corporations and small offices by storm. It is inspired by the the world famous Pike Place Fish market. The staff at Innovative Solutions Group is highly energized by it, and would like to share it with all of you. It is based on four guiding principles.

    1. Choose Your Attitude:
    There is always a choice about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself.

    2. Play: Have fun and your energy will rub off on others!

    3. Make Their Day: Involve everyone in the fun, especially the customers.

    4. Be Present: Be fully engaged in your work. "

  • Fish is a great training tool and I would also encourage companies to customize to their work environments.

    As to incentive plans, what if you purchase tickets to local events, have gift certificates and give raffle tickets to those hitting measurable goals? It's relatively inexpensive.

    You may also want to ask them what they would like to see as incentives (besides cold hard cash).
  • We had an incentive plan here for new ideas for our Production area and it turned into a nightmare!! The Production Manager did not want to decide on the best idea for the grand prize and so instead we had to give out 46 prizes. After that we decided that it was not worth the hassle. Plus it caused some problems with the Engineers because they are paid to think of better ways to do things and not given anything extra. I just feel that employees are paid to do their job and if they can think of a better way of doing things they should share that to make their job and others easier. If I have anything to say I think we will stay away from incentive plans.
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