Asking Veteran info prior to employment?

With our application we have an insert to complete (VOLUNTARY) regarding gender, race AND Veteran status. I am now reading that back in 1996 it was ruled illegal to ask Veterans or disabled to "self-identify" prior to employment. Do I need to take the check off box and paragraph off regarding Vietnam Era Veteran? Thanks for any input you may offer!


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In my opinion no. Within the constraints of our AAP, as a government contractor, its the only way we have of obtaining certain information. The disclaimer should protect you. On another note, if the applicant shows military history in their work history section of the app, or on the resume, it is not discrimination to ask them if they can provide, at some point in the process, proof of military service and discharge; if you ask the same of other applicants about being able to verify their listed chronology. To do otherwise is to accept gap-periods at face value, unverified, unsubstantiated. And then there are those guys who will tell you that their service was so secret that they swore to never, ever reveal anything about it or otherwise show proof of service.
  • Maybe I'm off base here (wouldn't be the first time) but I would think that the only reason for identifying eligible veterans would be for VETS-100 reporting purposes. If that's the case, I think you only have to report number of covered and other eligible veterans employed, the total number of new employees hired during the year, and the number of new hires who are veterans. The identification of an applicant as a veteran isn't necessary, you can identify them after hire.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-05-03 AT 04:12PM (CST)[/font][p]We are, as we speak, undergoing an AFCCP audit (edit: OFCCP). They have asked the question "How many Vietnam Era vets have you had apply that were not hired during the previous 6 months?" and "Were any of those eligible for positions for which you advertised but show no record of having filled?"
  • I stand corrected. Thanks. Been a long time since I've worked for a federal contractor (thank God!). But during the two OFCCP audits I was involved in years ago, I'm not surprised they ask questions requiring such burdensome data collection. I've always considered them to be about as much fun to deal with as the IRS.
  • .........or.....a proctologist.
  • I don't know. The EO specialist I had on my last audit probably wasn't as much fun as a proctologist. I know she had less of a sense of humor, anyway.
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