Reinstating a layed off employee

EE was layed off for approx. 1 mo. How do I reinstate ee? Does she have to fill out new paperwork? We have a 90 day orientation period, does she have to do this again? Her original hire date is 4/23/03, so she never passed her original orientation period. Can I just backdate her original hire date to 5/23/03? or do we start all over as of 8/4/03, her rehire date? She also wants health insurance but is not eligible until after her 90, which 90 do I use?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • For a short time period like this, I would change the hire date to 5/23 as you suggested. Have done that several times. We are self insured for health insurance and have a little more leeway. So, I allow them to sign up for health insurance after they have a total of 90 days worked; using a 5/23 hire date, they would be eligible for insurance around 8/23.
  • We use an adjusted hire date (length of time on layoff deducted from total service as of layoff date). Health and dental benefits would be reinstated the first of the month following the recall if they had such benefits. If they had not completed the benefits waiting period, we would credit them for the part of the waiting period completed before the layoff and go forward from the adjusted hire date to figure the remainder.
  • T,TX: Sorry, but we out here want to help, but we do not have a copy of your policy and procedures manual! I could tell you what we do but that would not necessarily help. With less than 30 days you, most likely, would pick the person up with the original hire date. Our computer program would insist and not allow us to put any other date in there until 6 months has lapse from lay off date. A laid off employee is normally a terminated employee and is treated the same as any other enrollment unless less than 6 months, then, 401 K, life insurance, and medical waiting period is 30 days instead of 60 days.

    Good luck! Pork
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