EOC Average settlements

Does anyone know what the average EOC settlement is?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-30-03 AT 01:15AM (CST)[/font][p]I can't tell you what the average EEOC settlement is but I can give you these facts about employment cases that are tried in the courts. Hope that helps you.

    Since 1988 cases have tripled.
    79,900 in 2000. Increased to over 80,000 in 2001
    1 in 4 cases filed in US courts have to do with EER/EEE relationship

    $100 K to $200K to defend
    2 to 5 years to bring to trial
    Median award is $200K. Median award in California is $2.5M

    Margaret Morford
  • You might check on their website. They have a lot of info posted. I don't have it, but you cna go to google or yahooo and find it, I think. thom
  • The EEOC has no average settlement. Most settlements are based on lost wages (which will vary from person to person), any bonuses which may have been lost, unpaid medical bills or COBRA reimbursment or re-enstatement to job. The EEOC can also mandate that an employer give the proper acommodation in ADA situations. These monetary numbers could greatly vary. Sometimes it could be as low as a few hundred dollars. The highest I ever heard of was near $90,000.00 for what was termed lost wages and lost promotion (this number was very high only because this person had a very large income). The EEOC does not usually add in "pain and suffering", that is something that the complaintant and the company usually come to their own terms on. The very large settlements that most people hear about are the ones that involve hundreds of employees that were affected over several years.
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