temporary lay off

We have a group of six clinics. Encounters have been down at one of our clinics and a full time provider left the practice in July. Administration laid the RN and the Medical Assistant off each one day a week for August and September. They were told that we hope this is temporary and that we would keep all their benefits at FTE level for the 2 months and that they could use their vacations if they liked in order to receive full pay. However, at the end of the two months, the situation will be looked at again and if they need to be laid back even more, no benefits will be given that aren't in the personnel policy for part time employees. We are not looking, at this time, to replace the provider that left. We are having Open House 2 days in August and advertising to help build the encounters.

The employees are upset because we have not allowed them to bump younger employees at other sites (cities). Must we allow them to bump? Not addressed in our present personnel policy. We are community based and funded.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Even if it's not in your policies, is it in your 'practices'? A company can say they don't have a seniority policy, but if they act as though they do when it comes to making decisions like these, then they do. Analyze this and see if there's a problem. It doesn't sound as though you're a union place, so there's probably no coverage there (I hear that some contracts cover seniority). Finally, ask yourself how this decision might impact the culture of the company and weigh the pro's and con's. After going through this mental checklist, and I'm sure that other forum folks will have more to add, then if everything add's up to no seniority - I wouldn't set a precedence now. Just my thoughts.
  • Those ee's with less seniority at other sites very well may have made friends and allies with their coworkers. Imagine the morale problem you may have if you dump ee's from City X and replace with "outsiders" from City Y.

    This is almost a no-win situation. Meaning no matter what you do, someone or group will feel you are being unfair. Do what is best for the business and will cause the least disruption.

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