Human Resource Audits

Do any of you conduct an annual (or to some other set time frame) audit of your human resource practices and policies? I am looking for a simple tool (i.e. checklist) to conduct a self-audit. Would really appreciate any suggestions of where to find one, or you can send me a copy of what you use at: [email][/email].


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I-9 Audits, race relations, glass ceilings, promotions, and asignments are the four that we do annually after the year end evaluations are inputted into the computer.
    I-9 should be done annually at your will to get it done. MVRs and driver record reviews are another set required by DOT and our Insurance (fleet coverage)company.
    Race relations is a matter of development of an excel program which will allow you to enter the names, race, sex, and rate of pay before the evals and then again after the evals with increases. Another excel spread sheet that I use is a listing of all names races sex & wages which I then cause the program to rank order by each of the different categories. I even match up all the supervisors and managers and labor force. When you do this, you have conducted the most important audit of all, COMPENSATION BY: RACE, SEX, PROMOTION. Which allows a very close examination by location and the different classes, which are protected.

    We also did a technological survey of 50 questions which we administered to the rank & file of the production group. We were not alarmed about the results, but it very definately matched up with the evaluations and the pay increases awarded. It also lined up with the rank order of males and females at the top of the scales and the bottom of the scales. We even had it translated into spanish so that our Hispanic population had a fighting chance to score well!

    Your concerns are real and I highly recommend you do something reasonable and within your resources to have real proof, if any one should ever ask. I am sure there are many high cost audit units out there, but you can be a real HERO if you come up with your own.

  • I have an in depth article I printed in February off the Workforce website. This is the address accross the bottom of the printout. If it doesn't go straight to it, just try going to [url][/url] and do a search for HR Audit.


    Good Luck - I printed it, want to do it, but have yet to have the time to do it!

  • I just tested the link and it worked. P.S. It is 34 pages.
  • Thanks so much for the help,Barbara! This will be a very helpful tool!
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