Inappropriate office conversations

I am looking for three things:

1) A written policy/handbook section that covers inappropriate conversations at work, using slang names for races and lifestyles, etc.

2) An HR Manager job description

3) A good software program for writing a handbook and also and organizational chart. I have done the chart but we have 5 VP's that report directly to the CEO and then 3 managers that also report directly to the CEO. The CEO wants the managers listed on a line below the VP's yet reporting to the CEO and I can't figure out how to do this!! Any ideas??

Thank you AGAIN!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • 1. To cover discriminatory language in the workplace you should have an EEO policy and a Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policy. In addition, if your handbook states what may consitute immediate dismissals - you should have something stated in that section as well. These policies are so vitally important that you should not limit them to just the handbook - you should cover the information during new hire orientation, review in newsletters or payroll inserts and hold annual company meetings talking about the company's stance on these issues.

    2. The SHRM site as well as the software program "Job Descriptions Now" by Knowlege Point are good starting places. Also, doing a simple search on the net can provide some great examples too.

    3. This site as well as SHRM have some great sample handbooks - usually free to members - but will require an attorney to review to capture state laws. When it comes to software for org. charts, you can do a couple of things. PowerPoint can help, Visio can help as well as any drawing program (Publisher) where you can create the chart.
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