Unemployemnt Interest Assessment Surcharge!?

I recently received a letter from the NY DOL. In the letter it states that because of recent economic times, unemployement has paid out more than it has taken in so now they are going to tax our unemployment taxes to make up the difference. May be they shouldn't be so liberal with dishing out the money. Only the gov't could get away with this. Sorry, I had to vent for a second!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That's referred to as "A state with a broke FUTA tax fund". Been going on since the beginning of time. Some states manage it well and protect it, some don't. And some few treat this TRUST FUND exactly like the federal congress treats the SS Trust Fund, like their personal slush fund. Trust Funds are just that. They should only be tapped for the purposes for which they were established, never for other governmental whims. Kick the bums out! Those are your state elected legislators.
  • I received the same letter yesterday. Pissed me off. Seems we are spending more and more time challenging unemployment claims. It is amazing how people think that unemployment benefits are their right. However, on a bright note, NY is less lenient than NJ.
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