Short story is myself (HRD) and HR Asst for 600 employee multi-location employer. Need some back-up or stats on staffing levels to justify some help...



  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our organization has 1200 employees at multi-sites (28 different medical clincis). We have the following HR makeu

    1- director reports directly to CEO
    1 - Benefits Specialist
    1 - Employment Specialist
    1 - Employee Relations Specialist
    1 - Organizational Development Specialist

    2 - HR Associates to support the spoecialist

    1- receiptionsist/admin support
  • What I've heard is about one HR person for every 100 ees. I think that came from SHRM. It also depends on your industry. We have clsoe to 500 ees and we have:

    1 - VP/Director
    1 - Manager
    1 - Recruiter
    1 - Benefits Administrator
    1 - HRIS Administrator
    1 - HR Coordinator
    2 - Administartive Support

    We are a high tech company and require a lot of hand holding. In addition my comapany is extremely regulatory compliant. I spend about 60% of my time up-dating documents and policies for new and changing regulations. I know we are above the norm but I think most high tech companies are.
  • We have 200 employee's in 17 Branches in three states. I am the only HR Person - the only thing we outsource is payroll.
  • I am solely responsible for 250 employees at two plant locations. We do, however, have corporate HR to advise from afar (or to be advised.)

  • The 1 to 100 level comes from a joint survey by SHRM and BNA which has been conducted annually for more than 20 years. The survey breaks the data down by industry so that you can get a better handle on your industry.
  • Eight for 950 employees

    1 HR Director
    1 Sr. HR Specialist
    1 Emp Relations Manager
    1 Emp Relations Coordinator
    4 HR Specialists (Benefits, Action Notices, Paid Leave, & New Hire)
  • Is this survey only available to SHRM members? WE are not and we are in the middle of defending 3 of us for 350 employees to our commission. We are a small municipality. I am planning on contacting other Cities our size with the same number of employees. Any other ideas?
  • We are 90 employees in 7 locations throughout the state and I am the only person in HR. There is no clerical support for the position.
  • We are a non-profit, human services corporation with about 450 EE's scattered over 45 sites within the city. About 80% of our work force is also unionized. We are supervised by the Administrative Director who reports directly to the CEO. We have

    1 Employee Relations Manager (me)
    1 Benefits Administrator
    2 Employment Specialists (Recruiters)
    1 HR Assistant who provides office support

    Yeah, I'd say you need some help.
  • 400 employees, 16 sites (soon to be 17) plus corporate office

    1 HR Director
    (me: some payroll, benefits, orientation, recruiting, disciplinary counseling, handling of grievances, all HR-related & some other training, employee recognition, all W/C investigations and reporting, unemployment claims handling, compliance auditing, Forum posting, etc)

    1 Payroll person
    (spends under 1/2 her time doing payroll - the rest is non-HR stuff)

    I send thank you notes and gifts to my two Ops Directors regularly because they are so valuable to me when it comes to employee recognition and grievance investigation. If it weren't for them, I'd scream for more help!
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