Proof of Marriage

I seem to recall that when an employee gets married, not only do I need to see a new social security card (for payroll purposes) but the marriage license as well (to add spouse to insurance).

My question I need an original marriage license or can it be faxed to me? Am I correct regarding the ssc as well?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There was a lot of discussion on another thread about SS cards and payroll. Before I will change a name in payroll, I want to see the new card to be sure the name matches. We copy it for payroll records. They may also want to fill out a new W-4.

    If your plan is subject to the IRS regs on Cafeteria/Section 125 plans, I'd require proof of the marital status to change any benefits, but don't think seeing the original is necessary. A copy will suffice for most insurance companies. Ours has asked for a copy when we added a spouse mid-year.
  • We require a copy of the marraige license to change a last name, there is a spot that indicates whether the woman will be taking her husband's last name, whether it will be hyphenated, etc. We do accept faxed copies since we are in Boston and make changes for employees across the US. But we do ask that a manager sign a document saying they have seen the original. Same for name changes due to divorce...many women will go by their maiden name socially while its finalized but we require the divorce decree to change it in payroll.
  • As for divorce, absolutely see the documents before you change anything related to benefits. Too many employees want to drop spouses because they're "separated" or mad at them. I will not drop a spouse from any insurance except at Open Enrollment or with legal papers in front of me. As for the original question about name changes and SS cards, it's really between the employee and Soc. Security. They have to show SS the documents to do a name change, so the SS card is the main thing to see for payroll.

  • You need to see the ssc to get the correct name that will match up with IRS when you do your quarterly taxes. However, the employee can decline to have it copied for your file.

    I would require a copy of the marriage license to add dependents and the ssc to change names. Also good advice on the divorce - see the papers prior to dropping coverage and see the ssc in order to change the name.

    Thanks to you who educated me about social security cards!
  • We pay by the name on the SSC and require it to changes names. We have employees being paid under a name that they have not used in many years, because they don't take the time to get their SSC changed. Go figure!
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