
In the State of Nevada is there any law that requires us to supply applications to applicants. In the past we have taken applications 24/7. Our new plan is to post what positions are open and only accept applications for the open positions. The applicant would then fill out the application and go through an initial interview with HR.

Thanks for any response


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Many companies will only accept applications for open positions. I don't think you can refuse to give someone an application, but you can tell them that it must state the specific job being applied for if they want the application to be considered for employment.

    Margaret Morford
  • Hmmmm? I'm not in Nevada, but we routinely refuse to give out applications; no open positions, no applications given out. Why waste the paper or the potential applicant's time/effort?
  • I know of no requirement that an application be given to someone on demand. Our policy restricts applications to open application periods when there are open opportunities. Demand or not, otherwise, none is given out.
  • I'm in Washington and we only give out applications if we have a position open. We do this mainly because of the amount of work involved when we randomly accept applications. For example, when an application is accepted at our company, we have to review it, possibly set up an interview or send our polite, thanks but no thanks, letter. All of this takes time - not to mention, time for the applicant as well. It usually takes 10-20 minutes to fill out our application and it's time wasted by the applicant if there's no position available. When we decline to give out an application, we do tell the applicant what resources (i.e. web sites, newspapers, schools, etc.) we post in and ask them to keep an eye out for any future advertised openings. I hope this helps!
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