I'm not sure what kind of complaints you're talking about (i.e. unfair treatment from a supervisor or no toilet paper on the roll). Are you looking for complaints of a serious nature or little annoyances?
We do not use a complaint form but we do have an Employee Suggestion Form. This form is to be used by employees to submit suggestions on ways to improve any area of our operations. Complaints, criticisms, wage issues or nonbusiness concerns are not allowed. If someone has a legitimate complaint they are encouraged to discuss the matter with the supervisor, hr or our eap.
I also have a form used for employee grievances. It's pretty open but helps the employee give the info I need, such as name, how to reach employee, witness info if any, and a big open space for the employee to tell her "story".
Instead of having a negative connotation "complaint", why not turn it into something positive (and use something instead of suggestion box), such as "improvement suggestions". This way people can complain about what is wrong, but don't address it unless they suggest an improvement/alternative that would be better. Anyone can complain. However, it takes a little more time, thought, and brain cells to improve. Make them do some of the work. Also, sometimes suggestions reveal that the complaint that was brought up isn't what is really the problem. E Wart
We do not use a complaint form but we do have an Employee Suggestion Form. This form is to be used by employees to submit suggestions on ways to improve any area of our operations. Complaints, criticisms, wage issues or nonbusiness concerns are not allowed. If someone has a legitimate complaint they are encouraged to discuss the matter with the supervisor, hr or our eap.
Anyone can complain. However, it takes a little more time, thought, and brain cells to improve. Make them do some of the work. Also, sometimes suggestions reveal that the complaint that was brought up isn't what is really the problem.
E Wart