bad attitude

ok,we are moving to terminate a long term ee. She has the knowledge, just has a problem using it. Bad attitidue, I mean poor, poor. Constantly argumentative. When asked to do something inconvenient, will spent 20mins talking about how it can't be done...when she would have been finished with it in 20min. Was written up in June and had another outburst yesterday. Called in sick today w/headache.
Bottom line is, we're in "crunch" mode. Small dept, bringing down morale, cannot tolerate this type of behavior. I'm looking for nice, clean termination language. My brain can't seem to come up with anything I like. Any suggestions?


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Something to the effect of: (depending on your states laws and your policies)

    Effective today, your employment as a (job title) with our organization is terminated. Enclosed you will find a check for wages through today and any accrued and unused vacation pay due you. Your employment is being terminated for the following reason(s):

    1) Disruption of the business operations of the company (fill in whatever supporting details)

    add additional reasons depending on the situation.

    You will be notified in a separate letter from the Human Resources Department of your COBRA rights and eligibility. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me.
  • We had the same problem with a five year employee. She had previously been written up for excessive absenteeism and from that point on she was next to impossible to work with. She would slam and throw things around, sit slouched in her chair, pounding excessively on her keyboard. We had comments from several co-workers on her bad attitude. We terminated her for inappropriate behavior and bad attitude toward her job and fellow employees. In the term notice I mentioned all the specific instances and ended with: This is a professional office and we expect our employees to act as a professional as well as treat other employees with respect and cooperation. Your behavior is not acceptable and we will not allow it to continue. Effective such and such a date, your employment is terminated.
    I always have a signature line for the employee to sign, plus myself and a supervisor. She signed the notice and left quietly. We won on the unemployment issue also.
  • well, we terminated this morning....and it was ugly.
    She still wanted to argue. Said she didn't understand what all this was about.
    Then it hit and she freaked out. Refused to sign anything (had two witnesses).
    I expect we'll hear from her again. It was unfortunate, but she was miserable. I wish people like that would stop complaining and find something they enjoy. If you're that miserable in your job, go find something else!
    Thanks for the response.
  • I like to think of bad attitudes as misconduct that disrupts the cooperative, harmonious teamwork environment that our organization strives to promote. I learned that wording at an Employment Law seminar and I kinda like it. Misconduct is, of course, subject to discipline up to and including eventual termination.Beating unemployment might be tough, but with the proper documentation that it was creating a hostile or unpleasant work environment, they might listen.
  • ATTITUDE? I do NOT have an ATTITUDE! All the other employees treat me unfairly and they don't like me! And YOU always take THEIR side!

    Sound familiar? x;-)
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-25-03 AT 08:44AM (CST)[/font][p]"You would not believe the S*** I have to put with in order to do my job properly. The company is ungrateful!!!!"
  • perhaps you have a "work rule" or standard of conduct in your employee handbook that states insubordination or other disrespectful conduct, or perhaps just plain unsatisfactory performance or conduct will apply. you have obviously documented these episodes and if you follow your disciplinary prcoedures you should be ok. check with your legal counsel for guidance if uncertain.
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