Conflict between 2 employees

We have 2 employees that both do an excellent job and get along with everyone except each other. The work in the same department and it is causing conflicts with work flow, productivity and the general atmosphere of the department.

We would prefer to find a way to get them to put aside personal differences and learn to be a team rather than terminate either one or both of them. Any suggestions or ideas on what we could do or suggest??

Thanks for your help!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What I usually do in these type situations is that I bring the two people into a room with me mediating the conversation. I basically spell out what I see is the problem and I asked one to speak without interruption and tell their side of the story and then I let the other one speak.

    I then say "We have a situation here that has to be resolved in order to proceed with the work of the department and a peaceful environment for everyone. I need for you to tell me how both of you can help accomplish this?"

    If they won't speak I would continue with something like "This is your opportunity to resolve this situation before it deteriorates into something that might be unpleasant for one or both of you. You have to find a resolution to getting along with each other; otherwise, I'm afraid a decision will be made for you."

    Usually, I have found once you get the two parties talking, they can work out their issues in a satisfactory manner. Most of the time, there are just disagreements or miscommunications that could be ironed with simply by talking and not avoiding each other.

    Sometimes this procedure works and then sometimes, two people simply cannot stand the sight of each other and they have to be separated in some manner.

    Good luck.
  • I agree with Rockie. You avoid the "he said, she said" when you get them together. If they have something to say then this is their opportunity to say it or forever hold their peace. This may last for awhile and you may then find yourself back to square one...but at least you made a "documented" attempt and your next meeting will lead into (more)appropriate action! To have such conduct does nothing more then disrupt the efficiency of the department and eventually, you have other ee's sucked into the their little game!
  • What I also like about Rockie's post is by putting the two in a room together with you and making them hash it out, you are sending the message that you won't tolerate this type of behavior. In the future, employees will be more likely to work personality differences out themselves, rather than having to sit down with HR.

    Mom's phrase "don't make me come back there!" comes to mind... x;-)
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