Secretly Taped Conversations

Found out we have an ee who has been secretly tape recording conversations with mgrs. She has just recently filed a sexual harassment complaint with HR. Preliminary investigations show no merit.
We've since told her she is not allowed to tape on company property. She tried to tape meeting with me and I told her no. She agreed to stay. However, we are still worried she may be recording. Mgrs are scared to death to have conversations with her, which doesn't help.
I don't think she has anything damaging on tapes. Would this be admissable in court if it ever got that far? Not sure what the law is in GA about tape recording conversations without consent.
If we find out she is still doing it, we plan to terminate. I'm sure this will get ugly no matter what. She despises her manager and is not cooperating with anything. She has already thrown the "retaliation" word around. Can anyone share similar circumstances? Any advise?


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