No Smoking signs!?

As of July 24, 2003 in New York, we will be required to post no smoking signs at all entrances. My question is this, we have four facilities but only own one of the buildings. In two of the buildings we share space. Are we the ones required to put up the no smoking signs or are the building owners?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Since we own our building, I don't know for sure, but I believe the building is responsible for the signs. Aside from that, have you added to your company rules what the policy is on smoking. We found that when the NYC no-smoking law went into effect, that smokers would go outside whenever they had the urge for a smoke (which, of course, got the non-smokers complaining about the smokers having extra breaks). Also, be prepared for the grips, when the weather is lousy - rainy, snowy, blizzardy.
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