I-9 Audits

I recently started with a company and one of the first things I did was perform an I-9 audit. I attended 2 seminars in Dallas for I-9s and Immigration Law in 2000 & 2002. The speakers at these seminars encouraged employers to perform audits to ensure the forms were complete and correct. We lost 3 workers due to this audit. Do any of you know where I could find documentation that encourages employers to perform periodic audits of the I-9s?

I appreciate any help!!!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Well, you could start with the people that offered the seminas. If they encouraged this, I'm sure that they must have some daa to back up that statement. I'm California and that has been a practice of mine and a few other HR folks I know. I guess is one of those things that you know it has to be done and you schedule yourself on a calendar every year on a certain time of the year to audit all of HR or certain areas of concerns. I usually start auditing the HR compliance requirements about the end of Oct to beg of Dec, just a habit.

    Good Luck
  • I work in a city with a large university very close. The university has a tremendous HR graduate program. Most of the students are what are considered "non-traditional", basically folks who have been in the field for years, and go back to school. ONe perk to this is that we work in conjunction with them, and they come to our office for a quarter and perform HR audits, including I-9 compliance. They will ensure compliance, plus write a detailed report for me, offer suggestions, forms for me to use to do mini-audits, and a great sounding board for when I have other questions. This benefits me since I am the only HR person, and this gives me feedback from others in the field, plus, I get the extra benefit of working with the professors, most of whom are HR professional and SPHR's, to follow up with. And the students gain course credits and are able to see how HR departments differ.

    I am not sure how many universities offer this, but I highly recommend it if you get the oppurtunity.
  • Very good idea, I had not thought of that resource. I'll be calling my university 19 miles away for assistance. PORK
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