payroll and timeclocks

We have a new timekeeping system for hourly ee's to punch in and punch out. The problem is we need new employees w4 and payroll info BEFORE they ever punch in to work in order to give them a number to punch in with that coordinates with our payroll and HR software.
Our policy has been that we inform the applicant that they are hired and when they come in to fill out paperwork they are on the clock. The problem is that the only people who can assign numbers are the accounting folks and their hours often conflict with the times new employees start.
How much paperwork can I have them fill out before they are officially hired and start getting paid?
Any help would be much appreciated.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Is there any way a "manual" entry can be made into the system regarding the new employee's start time? Whenever I have a new employee start, the first thing I do is sit down and take care of all the paperwork as well as go over various policies, etc.. After I am done I take them to the plant floor and their new supervisor continues with the orientation. I also inform the supervisor what time they start and the supervisor takes care of clocking them in for the correct time so they are paid from the time they start. They also show the new employee how the timeclock system works.

    Just a thought.
  • We assign a clock number once the drug screen and background check come back. I send the tax forms, voluntary information forms, emergency contact and vehicle ID out with the confirmation letter. I have the new ee bring it in the first day. You could have them return it to you in advance.
  • perhaps at the time you advise them of their employment, you provide them with the necessary paperwork and have them complete it and return it to you for processing, proior to the date they actually report for work. check your state statutes but in my state completing paperwork for employment is not "hours worked" and therefore not compensable, particularly when and if they complete at home.
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