Checking out Recruiting firms

I need some advice on checking out a recruiting firm to determine how good they are but don't want to depend on the references that they submit. Any suggestions?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Two suggestions: (1) insist that they send you brochures and written material along with a copy of their standard contract. These will give a good indication of their professionalism and will signal if they have any novel elements to their program or if they are just run of the mill street-corner headhunters. (2) If you know what they specialize in give them a shadow call and tell them you are a qualified engineer or whatever their specialty is. Be prepared to answer a few questions, but insist on ASKING a few before you get to deep into your personal profile. Ask them what their placement rate has been for applicants over the past several months. Ask them what the industry seems to be doing nationwide this quarter. Ask them how soon they think they can assist you. Ask them what their specific approach to marketing your skill set will be if you sign up with them. And ask them to tell you two things that differentiate them from the other (engineering) recruiters. These things will be good indicators of how 'hungry' they are, how active and successful they are (or say they are), how professional they are and how much credibility you think they might have. Look for clues as to how they approach employers and how good their marketing strategy sounds to be.
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