What was he thinking???

Just had to share:

I had an employee call me today wondering if a disciplinary form regarding his unsatisfactory work performance had been turned in. I told him that it had and asked why he was calling about it. He told me he just wanted to make sure it was turned in because now he could get "even". I asked him what he meant by that statement and he said he didn't agree with getting "written up" and he was going to handle it by getting even. I asked him what he intended on doing and he said there were lots of things he could do but refused to elaborate.

I explained to him that the best thing he could do for himself is to write a rebuttal that would be attached to the disciplinary form. He said ok, but not very convincingly.

What is it with employees?? Did he really think by calling me with threats that that would make us re-think the disciplinary action that was taken. It only makes me want to fire him. Because we are family-owned I usually have to talk to the owners about firing someone in his position. I did talk to the owners and one of them was in agreement with me. Unfortunately, because this guy has been with us for so long and our owners do not like confrontation, I'm betting nothing will happen. xx( Aarrrggg!!!


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • "Getting even" could be anything from tattling on the supervisor for some insignificant thing the supervisor did, to causing some real trouble. I would talk to the supervisor to let them know about the call from the employee - just a heads up to keep her/his eyes open, and see if she has any idea what the employee could be planning.

    Is the employee aggressive, or just childish?
  • The threat was not one of malice but more like he would sabotage quality or slow down production. This employee has been a thorn for sometime. He should have been let go a long time ago but try telling that to upper management. I've tried and tried and it falls on deaf ears.

    Very frustrating!
  • Well if he does take action that slows/hurts production, then the owners may see the light. It is amazing how the pocketbook affects decisions!
  • You may want to print off today's newsletter on Violence in the Workplace. Show it to the owners.

    If this employee is being a thorn in everyone's side - get rid of him.

  • I would not take this lightly. In today's world with the new buzz on terrorism, employers need to listen to all that is being said by employees. I would bring this employee in and have a conversation with him regarding his statement of "getting even" and the implications this will have in the future should anything were to happen to the supervisor or any one that had to do with the write up.
    Maybe, just maybe I might be going a bit over... but I rather do this now than having to justify someone getting hurt. (Violence in the workplace training might be of assistance)

    Good luck
  • I, like Eliant, would not take this lightly. "Getting even" could mean any number of things, including harm to someone or to the business. I would terminate him immediately, for making threats to the business and/or the supervisor.

    I have over the years terminated, placed employees on unpaid suspension, put them on a "last chance agreement" - which implies they understood the magnitude of their actions and the probable outcome if they continued to act stupidly.

    The recent workplace shootings in recent weeks should serve as a wake up call to all businesses to review their policies on violence/threats in the workplace and determine to act when such arises. I for one have always abhored bullet holes in my workshirts.
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