Interview question - religion

We are interviewing for a new Preschool Director. The Director will hold ultimate responsibility for all aspects of a brand-new preschool.

We will lease space inside a Pentacostal church and our lease requires that the Pastor will have final approval on who we hire for the Director position, the first time. (Future hires will be at our discretion) I don't know if this is typical, but it's what I've got to work with at this point.

I've narrowed down the candidates to two who possess the qualities I'd like in a Director of ANY of our schools. Next step: the Pastor and our two owners will interview.

The Pastor wants to ask the applicants if they belong to a church, and if so, he wants to ask for a written reference from the pastor of their church.

I've made clear to one owner that I don't feel this is an appropriate question. In describing the position to the candidates, I explained the job, that the curriculum in the school will include a Christian component and asked the candidates if they were comfortable in this type of environment. Other than that, I don't see what their outside church involvement (or lack of) has to do with their ability to do the job successfully. The school is open to the public, not just church members. This is our only church-housed school.

My question is: does anyone have any suggestions on how we can satisfy the Pastor's request without crossing the line in our questioning? As much as his question irritates me, it's something we've got to deal with to move forward!


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In the first place, you should never have allowed such a factor as the preacher at the facility where you lease space having a role in who is hired to work for you. If it were a Pentecostal school there is a good possibility IT could require members of a certain faith if the school was faith based and required Pentecostal teachings. However, leasing a room or two at a church seems to me to have no remote correlation with where or if somebody attends church. It's a personal matter, not a personnel matter. If you do allow that pastor's involvement, which you should not, you should not allow such questions as those. If a person is not hired and charges you with religious discrimination, you will be on a lonely stretch of thin ice.
  • I'll agree with Don D. on this one. I have some very strict rules on keeping religion out of the work place. I feel it is okay to have personal beliefs but you shouldn't impose them on others in the work place especially in the interviewing process. If your school system is a religious organization you may be okay but if your not watch out. Check out the EEOC website if you are looking for back up.
  • That was my exact concern. I don't care what the candidate's religious beliefs are (or are not) as long as they meet our requirements. The lease (including pastor involvement in initial Director hire) was approved by our two owners. We are leasing the entire building except the sanctuary, however the church will have use of our space during non-business hours. I imagine allowing the Pastor to be involved intially was meant to promote a good relationship. (sigh)

    I explained to my boss what IS an appropriate line of questioning and what is NOT. Fortunately, he supports this. I will create a list of questions in advance for Pastor to use that are an extension of what I used in the initial interview. We are not required to involve in future Director interviews.

    Please GOD (is this considered praying?) help me keep this interview legal!
  • I agree with Don. From your description it sounds like the only involvement the church has is they own the building and are leasing you space (they are the landlord) - they do not own or have any vested interest in the day care center. If there is no BFOQ for church affiliation, then don't ask.

    Don, I don't know if HRQ will be on "thin ice" in Phoenix, AZ, but they definitely will be in hot water if there is a religious discrimination claim.
  • Right. And the very best of luck to you in getting a pastor of any denomination to understand and agree that he/she cannot interject religion into any conversation, much less a job interview. Cut this man out of the process at your earliest convenience. He has no business in it.
  • Hey Lori - it's Barbara. We had very similar senario. Last August we began providing the after school care program at a Christian school. We followed exactly what you did when you interviewed. Candidates were told that the curriculum would contain Christian themed material. They were asked if they were comfortable with that. We weren't concerned with what their faith was, but they would need to be able to not contradict the curriculum, children's conversations, etc. and bring their religious views into the equation. You might try telling the pastor that you have covered the fact that the director is willing to support the curriculum, but it would be very ill advised to ask about his/her beliefs. Good Luck and let me know how it goes!

    P.S. We wound up terming one staff person at that site, ironically, because her faith was so strong! She was making comments to other staff that the children weren't being disciplined enough and they needed more punishment to guide them. I don't think so - SEE YA!!!
  • Barbara - glad to hear you've worked as an HR professional with a church housed school. I'm sure I'll need your help again and again with this topic! This is our first school to be housed in a church since I started in the company, so my experience is nil.

    Thanks for everyone's support!
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