Training Reimbursement Upon Term

I am the HR Manager for a small health and safety consulting company, and every time we hire a new employee we have to invest approximately $2000-3000 in required training. Occasionally we have that new ee that comes on board, gets the training, and then promptly moves on to a bigger company - more pay? because they now have specific training certs that make them more marketable. I am talking less than a year with my company.
My request - does anyone out there have written policy they are willing to share that can pre-empt this and assure that we will be repaid for the training, if, in fact, they voluntarily leave our employ within a certain time period? One year - two years? What's reasonable?
What about the tenured employee (2+ years) who goes back for recertification training each year, then promptly terms as soon as their training is completed and paid for by my company?
We don't want to be jerks - we just don't want to continue paying for training for which we receive no benefit.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
My request - does anyone out there have written policy they are willing to share that can pre-empt this and assure that we will be repaid for the training, if, in fact, they voluntarily leave our employ within a certain time period? One year - two years? What's reasonable?
What about the tenured employee (2+ years) who goes back for recertification training each year, then promptly terms as soon as their training is completed and paid for by my company?
We don't want to be jerks - we just don't want to continue paying for training for which we receive no benefit.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
>agreement. It has never been as much as yours, and I would definitly
>utilize one in that situation. Ours states that if an employee leaves
>within 3 months they repay all of it, 3-6 months they repay 75% of it,
>6-9 months they repay 50%, 9 months to a year they repay 25% and if
>over one year they don't have to repay any of it. Hope that helps.
blw - just curious. How successful have you been collecting the reimbursement from an EE that leaves? We have a very extensive training program as well but always consider the cost as a price for doing business. I have always thought that if someone left us in a short period of time that I must not have done a very good job in my interviewing process.