Systems Team

Does anyone have any experience and/or job descriptions for System Team members? In other companies, you might call them Quality Teams.

It's become blaring obvious that we need to have an overview (a system) of how products flow in and out of our company, how our people accomplish their tasks and what the procedures are in each area. We've decided to select a three-person Systems Team (all managers and I'm one of the members) to devise, audit and create procedures for our systems throughout the company. One goal with this system is to make it ISO 9000 ready. Another goal is to create a system that's easy to teach to new employees.

I'm excited that my company realizes the need for HR to be involved in this strategic process. Any help/advice with this would be greatly appreciated! x;-) Thanks!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have been ISO certified since 93 and do have a Quality Team in place. I will E-mail you the job descriptions. It is great that you are involved in the process. We are going through the new certification right now and Sec. 6.2 has been included for HR - Competence Awareness and Training. HR will have to have procedures written for all aspects from the taking of applications, interviewing, testing and all other hiring processes down to where each item is filed.
  • Thank you POPEYE for sending the job descriptions - good stuff. Call me a geek (wait, I may have walked into something here x:-)), but I am really excited about this process and HR's role. As I go along, I'll probably use the forum to post my questions/concerns/vents.

    Thanks again!
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