Check with your state's unemployment office. Unemployment laws are different in every state. In WA you can collect unemployment, but a severance package could limit the amount you collect or delay payments.
Was the severance you gave them Wages in Lue of Notice? If so then they have to wait for that amount to exhaust before they will begin receiving unemployment. If not they can fill regardless of your severance.
Pay in Lieu of Notice and/or Continuation Pay with full benefits that are guaranteed can affect the receipt of unemployment benefits within WA state. Also here, you must have 680 hours of work during your base year to be eligible - if you have less than an alternate base year could be considered (a period of the last four completed quarters).
In Texas the Texas Workforce Commission uses a formula based on the amount earned (base wages) over certain calandar quarters. It is not that easy to explain, and you are better off calling the comission and letting them make the determination.
Thanks everyone for the input. I did call the workforce commission and wow, it is quite complicated to figure the unemployment rates and amount. In Texas, they said there is no maximum amount of worked hours needed before an ee can file for benefits. Anyway, my questions have been answered. Thanks again.
Good Luck!