Out on w/c but not keeping therapy appts.

If an employee was hurt on the job and under drs care but not keeping therapy appts in order to recover and be released to come back to work, how long do you let this slide before terming or do we have to wait for drs. release? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Two things, first notify the insurance company, have his work comp checks stopped for non-compliance with the treatment plan. That will get his attention. Second, you can handle it a few different ways, but I have in the past treated this just as I would any other attendance issue. If they miss, they would get a point under our no fault policy. I usually discuss their responsibilites before they go out so everyone is clear as to the expectations. Another thing to think about, if doable, is restricted duty. That way they are required to come into work. Can leave for appointments and then come back.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Also, it's definitely time to start laying that all so important paper trail.
  • And remember that many state comp laws do not address/contemplate job protection or retention. Also, a general reminder; when you guys who shut down periodically for maintenance or annual vacation shutdowns, remember to alert the UI office of those who are off on Workers' Comp so those same guys don't shuffle on down to the UI office and draw a claim for the week.
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