Employee refuses to sign company policy

We have established a dress code for our company. We have only 2 girls in the office, me being one, and our secretary. Due to the amount of tattoos all over her, we establised a dress code. The dress code specifially mentions that dressing casual is acceptable do to the nature of our business, but being that we do deal with potential clients, business associates, & the public that a more professinal look is appropriate for the office & therefore no tattoos being visable are acceptable. Now, she is refusing to sign it. Although she is dressing according to the new policy (which has only been in effect for 2 days) she said that she is not going to sign it.
What can I do about this?? Do I just wait until she wears something unacceptable then write her up? Do I write her up for not signing it?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Is it your normal practice to have employees sign all new policies???? If so, then you're probably forced to continue your vigilance. If this is not a normal practice, I'd verbally confirm with her and make a note in her file indicating that while she refused to sign, she still understands the compliance responsibility. I'd save the confrontation for bigger issues.......
  • A post-facto dress code that specifically targets one out of two people is iffy at best. You can tell her it's a condition of employment to acknowledge that she has read and understands the new policy, but how far are you ready to go with this? Disciplining her means as long as she continues to refuse to sign, you would continue to discipline up to and including termination. Progressive discipline has to end somewhere. So how often do you ask her to sign - once a week? Once a month?

    Perhaps it would have been better to coach and counsel regarding the need for a little more professionalism and a lot less showing of tattoos. She maybe would have been willing to sign something like that - then you have the basis for progressive discipline for her mode of dress instead of disciplining for not signing a dress code that she is adhering to (so far anyway).
  • As long as you enforce the "no tattoos" policy with ALL employees, you should not run into a problem with having this policy in place. As far as her refusing to sign it, simply note on the policy that she refused to sign, place a copy in her file, and provide her a copy of the policy - one other thing, you should sign as verification that it was presented to her and she had an oppotunity to ask questions. I don't know what mode of thinking some employees have where they think just because they refuse to sign something, they don't have to abide by it - FALSE!

    Just remember consistent application and enforcement!
  • I agree with what the others have posted. Do you require all ee sign for all policies? Retro-fitting is always a tough sell. I was at a recent legal training and the attorney suggested that we write down that the ee refused to sign and then ask the ee to sign that they refused to sign. He said that in 9 out of 10 cases the ee will sign. If she still refuses, he said to have another manager witness that she refused to sign and have them intial the form. That way you are covered. Hope I was of some help.
  • Thanks everyone for the response!!
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