
At-Will Employment Status

I am seeking appropriate wording to use in our employee handbook about an employee's employment status as at-will here in Mississippi. Would welcome suggestions.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • there are many variations used by employers but they all contain the following: "your employment with the Company is at-will. this means that either you or the Company may terminate the relationship at any time for any reason, with or without notice. any change to the at-will status of an employee must be in writing and signed by the president of the Company." tailor this to your needs and style of your handbook.
    Peyton Irby
    Editor, Mississippi Employment Law Letter
    Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A.
    (601) 949-4810
  • Here's mine if you need another:


    Nothing contained in this policy manual or in any other materials or information distributed by the organization creates a contract of employment between an employee and [Organization name]. Employment is on an at-will basis. This means that employees are free to resign their employment at any time, for any reason, and [Organization name] retains that same right. No statements to the contrary, written or oral, made either before or during an individual’s employment can change this. No individual supervisor, manager or officer can make a contrary agreement, except for the [Title of highest ranking officer here], and even then, such an agreement must be set forth in a written employment contract with the employee, signed by [Title of highest ranking officer here].

    The policies in this manual are intended for all employees of [Organization name], its divisions and subsidiaries. The organization reserves the right to revise, change or terminate policies or procedures at any time, with or without notice.

    Margaret Morford
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