Payment for being on-call

Have a question about paying those who are required to carry a beeper. I realize that we only need to pay them if their carrying the beeper interferes with their personal enjoyment. Does it make a difference, though, whether they are exempt or non-exempt? We pay our non-exempt for carrying a beeper but not the exempts.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • indivctr:

    Working in healthcare (the King of the on-call industry)we do not pay any exempt employee for being on-call. It is part of their job and they do it w/o any addt'l compensation. I do know of some smaller health facilities that choose to pay on-call pay to their exempt staff, but I think they are in the minority of all hospitals.
  • indivctr: Carrying a pager, is not compensatable until it buzzes and they have to respond! YOUR COMPANY IS DOING BETTER THAN THE LAW FOR YOUR NON-EXEMPTS. YOUR EXEMPTS ARE ALSO BEING PAID FOR CARRYING A BEEPER! EXEMPTS ARE OWNED (dedicated to) BY THE COMPANY, 25 HOURS A DAY AND 8 DAYS A WEEK; THEY ARE BEING COMPENSATED FOR EVERY SECOND, MINUTE, AND HOUR FOR THEIR BEEPER TIME whether they like it or not! It is in their agreed upon salary! PORK
  • Is this a touchy subject for you Pork? You're yelling!

  • Not to make Pork go off or anything, but we pay our exempts a separate bonus for carrying the beeper. They are all on a rotating weekly schedule.
  • In my last life, we also paid exempts a flat amount per month for carrying beeper and being on call. It wasn't much, but a small perc one year when no one got regular raises. Remember Pork, if you are working in a non profit, health care arena, exempt does not equal big bucks. Non exempts got hourly rate that was negotiated
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