
Some weeks ago, there was a question about using employee's picture in an advertisement. I cannot find the answer. Mainly, I am looking for some wording for a consent form. Please advise.


  • 14 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you give me your email address or fax number I can give you the one we use.

  • thank you...it is [email]globexamerica@algxmail.com[/email]

  • ritaanz,
    can I get a copy of that too? [email]lbaer@reidashman.com[/email]. Thanks!
  • We also have a consent for written by our attorneys that we have them sign and use. I would be happy to send it so you have a couple of choices if you like? Just let me know.
  • A previous employer had an "opt-out" clause in the hire packet. Basically, each new-hire signed an acknowledgment that unless the "opt-out" box was checked, the company had their permission to use their likeness as it saw fit. Most of the uses were internal - benefits brochures, etc. - but employees' photos were also used in stockholder communication, the sales catalog, etc. I think the opt-out approach saved us a lot of headaches and time.
  • yes, please. our email is [email]globexamerica@algxmail.com[/email]. Should you need our physical address it is: Globex America, 2324 Shorecrest Drive, Dallas, TX 75235.

  • Could I have a copy of the forms. My e-mail is [email]lpopik@stamcoind.com[/email]
  • when i receive, will be happy to disburse.
  • I would like to have a copy also. Thanks, [email]lewis.keith@cmcsg.com[/email]
  • I sent you one for photos and one for videos. :)
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-17-03 AT 09:36AM (CST)[/font][p]I would appreciate the form also. Thank you! [email]larrycarr@inddoor.com[/email]
  • Could I get a copy of the release from someone? Sounds like it's exactly what we need.

    Tammy Colson
  • i do not think i have received your email. pls check...my address is [email]globexamerica@algxmail.com[/email]

  • Since so many people are looking for these, I am just going to put them out here on the forum. The first one is print and the second is video.

    Print release:


    Acknowledging the sufficiency and receipt of the payment of one dollar ($1.00), I hereby authorize and give full consent to XYZ Corporation to copyright, publish, display, and reproduce any and all photographs made by __________in which I appear.

    I also agree XYZ Corporation may use (or cause to be used) these photographs in perpetuity for the purpose of advertising, public relations, and recruiting. I agree that the photographs taken are the full, complete, and exclusive property of XYZ Corporation, and I waive any right to review or inspection.

    I am of legal age and capacity. I have read this consent and I understand it. I am signing this consent form voluntarily and am excited about being included in this project. I am signing this release with full knowledge of its implications.

    Signature: Date:

    Name: Social Security No.:

    Address: Telephone No.:

    And here is the Video Release:


    Acknowledging the sufficiency and receipt of the payment of one dollar ($1.00), I hereby authorize and give full consent to XYZ Corporation to copyright, publish, display, and reproduce any and all videos made by XYZ Video in which I appear.

    I also agree XYZ Corporation may use (or cause to be used) this video in perpetuity for the purpose of advertising, public relations, and recruiting. I agree that the video taken is the full, complete, and exclusive property of XYZ Corporation, and I waive any right to review or inspection.

    I am of legal age and capacity. I have read this consent and I understand it. I am signing this consent form voluntarily and am excited about being included in this project. I am signing this release with full knowledge of its implications.

    Signature: Date:

    Name: Social Security No.:

    Address: Telephone No.:

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