Do's & Don't s....

We have union contract negotiations coming up soon and I want to prepare some do's and don't s for our managers (see below). My question or request is; based on the material below have I missed anything or would you recommend any changes?

Prior to and during the CBA negotiations managers should:


„X project a business like and professional image

„X utilize personnel, methods, and means in the most appropriate and efficient manner possible as determined by management.

„X enforce disciplinary policies and rules consistently, appropriately and with equality.

„X correct the record with respect to any false or misleading statement made by any person.

„X report comments related to union negotiations, attitude toward union and company to the bargaining committee.


„X engage in active conversations with bargaining unit employees about bargaining objectives.

„X threaten employees with termination or discriminate during disciplinary action because of union related activities. This includes retaliating against any employee who has filed a complaint, affidavit, or petition on the unions behalf. (This of course should not be happening at any time)

„X promise employees increased pay or promotion for anti-union activities.

„X spy on or have someone spy protected union activities.

„X make a speech to employees or groups of employees within 24 hour of election process.

„X ask employees how they plan to vote.

„X encourage employees to persuade others to vote against the union.

„X encourage employees to decertify union.

„X make negative comments about the union.

thanks for your help


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We don't have a union, but it looks like you have a pretty good list there. The 'do's' could be used for any company!
  • Do not discuss the contract negotiations or speculate. Do keep your ears open.
    As an aside, I am usually amazed at how many employees will go to their supervisor to express their opinion or what they have heard about the various proposals.
  • Thank you I appreciate your input.

  • Don D. I was hoping you would ring in on this one. xpray Like everyone else here I value your input... and to the rest of you LR guru's that I don't recognize I also value your comments.

  • Your lists are good - my one suggestion is to ensure that any discussion around these "Do's" and "Don't" occurs in whatever regular meetings are part of the culture of your organization (staff or team meetings, daily status meetings), and NOT in special sessions specifically arranged to review labor-relations strategies. Special management meetings to talk about ways to conduct business during periods of particular union activity or how to foster a union-free workplace and discourage union interest have been viewed as evidence of anti-union animus, and you don't want that during bargaining season!!

  • Blanche,
    Excellent comment I will direct it to the appropriate people.

    Thank you
  • Be especially careful to guard against making union disparaging comments to other non-bargaining unit staff in the presence of (or that might get back to) potential members of the bargaining unit.

    Don't respond to any requests for company materials or stats or production figures or minutes of meetings or copies of company policies. (This is a time to carefully respond or not respond appropriately to such). Refer them to a higher authority.

    Disengage from any ongoing buddy system or good old boy networks that exist between you and hourly employees. There are no good old boy's during or prior to negotiations.

    Do not ever ask a potential bargaining unit member to give you inside information.
  • All of these are excellent.. the only things I would add, and probably more as discussion items than a published ones:
    "Don't take it personally" and "Develop you epidermis"
    It does not always happen, but I have been involved in negotiations and an organization where the union did some pretty ugly, hurtful, mud slinging, untrue accusations etc. You gotta remember it is part of the game.
  • As usual I'm am impressed with the information provided by the members of this forum and please know that I will take all of your advise and comments to heart.

    Ok where did I leave my thick skin and STFU coffee cup:-?

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