Employee Handbooks

At an employees orientation I supplied a copy the employee handbook along with a Personnel Policy & Procedures Manual. We are considering informing our employees that the employee handbook is available on our website and they can make copies. I've made copies and sent one to each site of our Personnel Policies & Procedures. Does anyone know of any federal regs stating employee handbooks and personnel policy & procedures must be giving out to each and every employee at orientation? Should we follow what our policy states and if we wish to change our way of distributing the manuals change our own policy?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't believe there are any laws. WE are a manufacturing company and not all of our employees are computer literate. EVen if they were, I wouldn't change the policy of giving out material during orientation and (most important of all) having the employee sign that they have received the material. I know I may be behind the times, but I'm still much more comfortable with lots of paper than with memos on computers (the company on the next block from us has converted to a paperless office with a vengence).
  • I too feel more comfortable about giving our employees a "paper" copy of our handbook at the time of their orientation. They sign a form acknowledging receipt of the handbook.
  • I also feel a paper copy should be given. We had a situation where an ee swore up and down they were never told about a policy. Well, the fact that it was in the handbook and they signed for the handbook turned the situation in our favor. Good reason to always have an ee be given and sign for a handbook.
  • We hand out hard copies at new hire orientation. When there is an updated version released, we distribute hard copies to those who do not have computer access. Everyone with computer access receives a form to sign indicating they were informed of the new version and that it is available on our intranet. The signed form is put into their personnel file. Those who receive hard copies also sign a receipt that goes into their file.
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