Is it MY problem?



  • You guys have simply got to stop. My CFO walked in and caught me cackling over these posts, and I just didn't know where to begin to explain to her what I was laughing at.

    Who knew professional development could be so much fun.
  • Yes, HR is the dumping ground of everyone else's problems.

    We have a highly placed assistant here, who will call me and involve me in such things as: cost of retirement gifts given by employees to retiring employees, other department's cologne usage, and other departments' clothing rules.

    After about the third time of me jumping in with both feet and having then to extracate myself, I decided that I would not leap over a tall building and fly into action the next time she called. She did it again. The elevator is broken and our maintenance person is out. Boxes were delivered and "HR needed to find a way to get them to the second floor."

    Why is this my problem?

    I called the department who needed the boxes and asked if they planned to carry them up - yes, they were going to at the end of the day. Case closed.

    Next time, I'll ask her for a cup of coffee.


  • Do you really want to hear more? The employee came to see me Thursday afternoon demanding that the company do something. Apparently, the spitting has increased and now they are spitting inside her car. When asked how they get into the car, the response was that she leaves the windows open. (duh) I gave her the "it's a fine line that the company and HR walk" speech and then suggested that she call the police and report the vandalism. I noted that seeing the police in the parking lot, taking notes, might give the guilty party second thoughts of doing it again. It did not make her happy. She wanted the company president to issue a memo to all personnel to stop the disgusting behaviour.

    What I decided to do was tell one particular employee, who has the ability of spreading rumor or gossip or current news to everyone in the building within the hour. Doesn't every company have one? By now all employees are aware of this employee's plight. Let's see what happens.
  • For Ritaanz: Try this. Get yourself overheard in the break area or ladies room bitching about the exhorbitant cost of the new security camera mounted on top of the building that covers the parking lot and how its not worth it to catch one punk.

    For Zanne: You and your predecessors have 'trained' this highly placed assistant to behave as she does. It is not too late to ask her what in hell's bell's something like that has to do with Human Resources.
  • Hey Don, that's a great idea. But I would really like to catch the creep that's doing this. We will see.
  • Rent a ladder, borrow your husband's jeep, crawl up on top of the building with a sack of crackers and some bottled water and stake it out for three days. Let us hear from you. Also take sun screen.
  • This is a great week to try that. It's almost 11 a.m. and we haven't cracked 90 yet. Give it a shot!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-10-03 AT 01:31PM (CST)[/font][p]Don:

    I agree that the predecessors have trained her. I haven't. However, it's a small company, closely held, and I have to get along.

    By the way - I'm here in the bible belt so I would have to ask "What in the H-E-Double- Hockey-Sticks Bells does that have to do with HR?"

    Somehow it doesn't have the same ring. 8-|

    Thanks as always for your advice. x:-)


  • Zanne... I don't recall ever hearing Missouri's favorite son referred to as "Give 'Em H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks Harry".
  • I'm in the Bible Belt too. If preachers down here couldn't say Hell every other word, they would be lost. But, change Hell's Bells to Lordy Mercy...and go for it.
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