OSHA-Blood Pathogens

I'd like to know how many of you do blood pathogens with all your employees? Currently we have licensing issues with our Headstart program but what about our WIC nurses that perform needlesticks? Should these employees be required to follow some form of a guideline? Has anyone run into a similiar problem that you would care to share with me? If you have a policy in place that I could follow I'd appreciate seeing it if I may. my email address is [email]mmurray@rcaction.org[/email]. Thanks!


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you have people using needles or any tools that have the potential to come into contact with blood or OPIM (other potentially infectious materials) at your company then you should have a bloodborne pathogen program in place. I researched on the internet and found lots of BBP policies that allowed me to but together a program for our company. I would be happy to share and will email you a copy (it will require some modification as we are a manufacturing facility) but should provide an excellent starting point for you.

  • I also have a policy I will send you that has some commentary that may be of some help to you. Email me if you want it.

    Margaret Morford
  • As others have said, you must have program and train. Also with Bloodborne Pathogen programs those who may come in contact with blood, or opim must be offered the hepatitis b vaccine. You can't force them to get it but have them sign a declination form if they do not want it.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • The training is not that expensive. The Red Cross will come in and do the training for you. I think it is only two hours, or it can be combined with the First Aid training. The HEP B shots are usually $75 each and it is a series of three shots.
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