Lie Detector Tests

Our company has recently become aware of items "missing" and I would like to come up with a Theft Policy. My question is if we can send an employee to have a lie detector test done, or is this in violation of the Privacy Act? I would appreaciate any type of feedback or suggestions on how to handle this.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The 'Employee Polygraph Protection Act' addresses this subject. Lie detector tests are illegal in most cases. If you have one of those colorful 5-in-1 posters up on your bulletin board, this is addressed there. (This is the same required workplace poster that covers minimum wage and discrimination and a few other things.) Never consider something like this without your attorney's advice. You couldn't use the results anyway; it's illegal, unless voluntary. I would certainly not go down this road.
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