
We are a 24 hr healthcare facility that is mandated by the state regarding the # of staff that need to work per resident. We are facing a shortage of a particular occupation and are faced with a dilema. Is it possible to mandate employees to work other than their designated shift and time? If so, what would be the most appropriate way to do so? There are no unions involved.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I was in healthcare for a while (12 years)and faced the nursing shortage, cna shortage, etc. I'm glad to be in banking now!

    I would tell you first of all to have a statement in your handbook that indicates that employees may not leave patients unless they have been relieved. That may help in ensuring that patients receive the care they need. Secondly, we used to have a statement in the handbook and on the application that we reserved the right to assign employees to a shift or location as staffing needs presented themselves. Most of our nurses didn't have a problem with covering a different floor temporarily - but the ones who did, we would pull out the statement they signed and reminded them of it. I understand that the hospital I used to work at, has now added a $100.00 cash incentive if you work an unscheduled shift. You work the shift and boom - you get handed a check for $100.00. Unfortunately, now people are not "filling the holes" in the schedule, but waiting until the last minute and getting the $100.00. Kind of counterproductive.

    Other than that - talk to your employees. Find out what would make their lives easier in scheduling and in recruiting. If you tap into that information you may be able to solve your staffing problems.


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