Alternative schedule

I have an ee that has been allowed to work a modified work schedule since February. The office is all 8 hours M-F (with the exception of one dept that needs 24 hr coverage). She was given permission to work M-TH 10 hours days to accomodate a mandatory appointment every Friday far away. It would appear that the appointments may be coming to an end but she wants to keep her hours anyway. The supervisor would prefer for her to work M-F 8 hours but is flexible. Can we MAKE her go back to a "regular" schedule since the reason for the change no longer applies? And, NO, there was never anything put in her file in writing and the super doesn't remember any specifics being stated (I was not here then:-) In the handbook there is a statement that we company may enter into an agreement with an ee to work a modified schedule but doesn't talk about stopping it. Thank you


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • As an employer you can determine what hours an employee is to work. If there is no documentation of the modified schedule just verbal. Notate in her file that due to the appointment her schedule was modified until further notice. You are not obligated to continue the schedule just because it is requested rather, is it necessary. If you do agree to the modified schedule be prepared to receive other requests for the 10 hr 4 day week from other employees.
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