Clean Indoor Air Act in NY

NY recently passed the Clean Indoor Air Act that goes into effect in July. With few exceptions it prohibits indoor smoking in any place of employment. We have been a smoke-free facility for several years, so already comply with that part of the law. The concern is with outdoor shelters. About 3 years ago we put up a steel "carport" shelter around the corner from the back door for smokers to use during inclement weather. Rumors say that the new law even prohibits these, even though they are clearly separated from the building and designated for smoking. Someone even suggested that the new law taken to an extreme does not allow people to smoke under and umbrella.

Does anyone else from NY know to what extent this new law applies to smoking on company premises? If it were up to me, I'd ban smoking. But, I would also make a lot of enemies.


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  • My understanding is that is similar to the New York City except is stricted on restaurants and bars. Basically that means, no smoking inside any office building or factory at any time. I have heard, but I haven't seen the law yet, that there is a restriction on how close to a building entrance shelters can be.
    By the way, we did not put up any shelters. It is amazing what smokers will do on a windy, rainy to day.

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