Job Descriptions - Help!!!!

Our organization has been in business for four years but have yet put together a good bank of job descriptions. I have been here for three months and have been given the task of creating all 220 job descriptions. We all know what we do we just don't have it in writing. We are a high tech company with some elaborate titles like Interregional Reliability Manager. Does anyone know of a good resource for pulling together descriptions? We have Descriptions Now but it is lacking even basic job titles like Human Resource Manager and Communications Director. Help me please!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I use industry specific salary surveys for general job descriptions. They at least give a starting point and usually list a few of the most important tasks of the job.

    For postions that have no peer, I ask the person filling the job to list 3 to 5 of their most important duties, then the next 4 or 5 'additional' duties. Then their supervisor/manager looks the list over and adds or subtracts, as needed. We use the general outline:
    The function of this job is to... this should be very general and should list not just the general function (to oversee the region) but the reason for the positon (to retain existing customers and attract new business)
    The duties of this job are: (1)
    (3) etc.
    Education or experience required to do the job: (1) etc.

    If you have 20 people who have basically the same job but in different cities, you only need one job description for them, but if they have various levels of responsiblity you might want to give them different levels.

    In your position, I would utilize the department managers to help write job descriptions for their staff. Good luck!

  • You can also try the Department of Labor's Occupational Title Dictionary


    You can search in the alphabetical listing found at the bottom of the page. Some of them may be more generic in nature but at least it's a starting point.

    Also, search the job posting boards like or When trying to come up with a difficult job description, I've done that as a last resort and pulled together a job description by using the job position information I've found there.

    Good Luck!

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