Funeral Leave

This is a clause from our Union agreement and the company is thinking of removing a sentence.

An immediate family member is defined to include the wife, husband, son,
daughter, father, father-in-law, grandfather, mother, mother-in-law,
grandmother, grandchildren, sister, brother, or one who is considered a
member of the family and living in the employee's home."

The company is thinking about removing the sentence......"or one who is
considered a member of the family and living in the employee's home."

Do you know of any NH State Law prohibiting the company from removing this
sentence from the clause? Such as sexual orientation, same sex marriages,
seven (7) common law marriages?

If you do not know the answer to this, is there a contact in New Hampshire
that I could call?

Diane Rowell
(603) 773-7340


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Although I doubt there's anything addressing this in New Hampshire law, I can tell you that you won't win this one with the union. Once you get something like that as a clause in a contract, it's more solid than concrete. Removing it will be harder than pulling Mississippi out of The South!
  • We have a similar discription of immediate family for bereavement leave. Why do you want to take it out? In my 20 years in HR, I can only remember one time that it applied. In that case, it was an elderly aunt who lived with the family and had helped raise the kids while mom worked.

  • I agree with Don - removing this (and getting the union to agree) would be VERY difficult. I would suggest concentrating your efforts on another issue. Unions typically do not look favorably on removing a benefit to their employees.
  • Is there a reason for wanting to remove this, and could it possibly be viewed as discriminatory? There are some cultures where it is more common to have several generations, as well as several families, living in one household. I know this thought is kind of a stretch, but we have a high percentage of hispanic families in our town and these are the kinds of things we need to be careful of.
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