
I seem to recall a discussion about this before but a search did'nt provide any results.
We have an employee who is in the process of changing her gender (to a him)and has legally changed her/his name.
How do Ireport him in eeoc? How do I enter him in my software? Or should it matter?
Any help would great with this unusual issue.


  • 12 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-09-03 AT 01:49PM (CST)[/font][p]Since they have changed their name legally they should be either receiving or have received a new social security card. The name on the ssc must match the name in your records. Now you don't need to see the card but whatever name the SSA has is the name that you should have. As to what to put them as male or female in your system- I'm not sure. I think I would put them as whatever gender (not name) they are now and once the whole job is done change it?? Just my thoughts. Good luck.
  • We have a status change form. While there is no "Other" available I'd think you could put "Gender change" somewhere so you have documentation that the employee requested it.

    I totally agree with the SSN points above, but I don't think I'd change the gender based on a name.
  • Obviously she wants to be a man and has changed her name accordingly. I'm assuming that its not an asexual name like "Pat". I would find out if she had to designate a sex when she changed her SSN. If she did, go with what she put.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-09-03 AT 03:17PM (CST)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-09-03 AT 03:16 PM (CST)[/font]

    Good point. I had a brain glitch and missed that second sentence where it said she was going from female to male. SSA might be able to tell you the gender put down and then go with that, if not though I think I would still put down female if she is still pre-op. But maybe the best employee relations thing to do is to input the gender as male, although that might lead to issues with benefits. As you can see I have no idea so I'll just shut up now. :) Just my thoughts, that's why most thoughts are only a penny.

  • I believe that the courts have ruled that the gender a person is born with is the only gender recognized in the courts. I may or may not agree with this, however, its what the courts say. You may want to look at your states Human Rights laws. You may find something there.
  • The thread you were referring to is "Employee and Gender Change". It is on page 3 within this forum. Don D may enjoy reading that one. Not really on the subject you were inquiring of, but still same situation.
  • I actually had this situation as well. I used to work for a temp agency. Imagine me sending Diane to do data Processing and the client called and says We have a mike here I guess Diane is not coming. But because the name was not legally changed I sent a bill for Diane. How confusing. I simply stated that Diane is the legal name and prefers to be called Mike. While Diane was changing to Mike. As far as Pa goes, It is what ever is on the Birth certificate. It appears that once Diane lived as Mike for over a year or so and paid a nice fee. She was able to legally switch her name and gender. When I received the new paperwork I changed it in my records. Check with your state on this.
  • Would you maybe want to require a doctor's certification as to the new gender? I have ZERO experience with this sort of thing, and I hope it stays that way!

  • I don't think you need a dr. note if that was required when they went to get there gender changed on the birth certificate. I must say in my case. Diane was a better looking man then a woman! I got very comfortable callin her Mike. I even got a very nice present on boss's day! Despite the rumor, She didn't have the (nerve)***** to ask me out well at east not yet! x:o

    As if....

  • Thanks for the referral, but I have other interests today.
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