Test Validation

We are giving applicants a homegrown reading/writing test which uses production paperwork that they will have to use every day in their job. It has been in use for several years-I suspect that it has never been validated. Can anyone help me understand test validation purpose and the process to use for validation, etc.??? I appreciate any help!~!


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  • On one hand, it's important to know that - in general - validation of assessment instruments is a complicated process that people get Ph.D.'s in. It's not an area I would wade into without expert consultation.

    On the other hand, as far as I know, it's not necessary to validate something that is a genuine "work sample" type of test; in other words, an actual and significant piece of the work that the job entails. An example would be a key entry speed and accuracy test for a data entry clerk. In your case, if working with the production records is a significant part of the job, your test should be okay. But the type of skill assessed by the test should be the same type and level of skill needed in the actual job. For example, if you don't really need to spell very well to work with the production records on the job, your test shouldn't measure spelling.

    Hope this makes sense!

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