Another Interesting Problem

When it rains, it pours!!

I recently received a formal complaint from one of our supervisors regarding our female janitor. Our CBA has a posted job for a janitor. The person who has the job is female and she has had this position since before I came "on board". As part of her job duties, she cleans the restrooms and makes sure they are stocked with the necessary toiletry items, etc..

The complaint I received was from one of our male supervisors who informed me that this employee, on a fairly regular basis, goes into the men's restroom without announcing herself and proceeds to "go about her business" when their are men in their going about theirs. This was the first time it came to my attention since I have been here and my decision was to have her supervisor speak to her and inform her that this is not acceptable and needs to stop immediately. He did this and she agreed, although she thought it was kind of funny.

Anyway I responded to the complaint in a formal manner to the person who brought it to my attention but I was informed by him that their is an employee out on the floor who informed him that if it happens one more time, he will not notify management about it but take steps to make sure it stops on his own. I don't know what that means but now I'm questioning whether the decision not to do any formal discipline was adequate based on the length of time this behavior has been occurring.

Any thoughts?
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