Does anyone have a policy or statement regarding delegating authority to sign contracts? We've had some bad surprises from contracts signed by mgt employees that we were not aware of. Really, Realllllllllllllllly could use help on this one.
Each department has it's own need for contracted service. We don't have a policy, but the people authorized to sign contracts here are all the department heads that report to the CEO. Would I sign a contract without the boss' knowledge? No way! We have great communication and meet every week just to discuss department issues.
My suggestion would be to see how the CEO wants to handle it. Couple of options: 1) only officers of the corp/organization can duly sign contractual committments; 2) only those authorized by the CEO; or 3) must be a member of the management team. Without knowing the size and nature of your organization, it's hard to make a valid suggestion, but your CEO's the one with the right answer for your company.