1993 Social Security Wages not credited

As you know SSA is sending out statements nowadays. Lo and behold all of the employees at my company are missing wages for 1993. BTW, this was before my time. How do I go about correcting this with SSA?



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • >As you know SSA is sending out statements nowadays. Lo and behold all
    >of the employees at my company are missing wages for 1993. BTW, this
    >was before my time. How do I go about correcting this with SSA?

    First, find out if there are records that your company paid the wages for 1993. Second, contact the Social Security Administration for advice and keep a record of your call, date/time, name of the SSA staff, advice given, etc. Third, your desire to correct a mistake is commendable.

  • At a previous employer, they neglected to report our wages to Social Security over a three year period. In order to get the issue resolved, we were required as individuals to take our w-2's to the local social security office and have them resolve the issue.
  • We had an outside company do our payroll and for an additional fee process the taxes too. When I had my S S wages checked I found that a year was missing. I reported it to our CFO and he in turn notified the payroll company.

    The payroll company was responsible for correcting the error. The individual who was in charge of our account was terminated. AND, the payroll company had to pay all the fines and late fees and the accumalated interest.
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