Another One of My Good Questions

I got a fax today that looks to be a cover letter to a resume; however, the letter asks me to go to a web site to view the application. Am I required to go on the Internet to view her resume? I think that if she couldn't attach a resume I can't get to the internet...but I thought I would just get a second, third...possible fourth opinion? x:D

As always, thank you for your assistance in this matter.



  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No, you're not required to search for her resume, or even if she attached it, you have no obligation to review it. Chances are a headhunter sent it anyway. I would certainly ignore it. I got a voice message last week from a guy who said, "Hi, I'm so and so. If you are interested in quality people, give me a call and let me tell you why I'm the best candidate for your next engineering position." Creative...........and ignored.
  • I'm sure you have better and more important things to do with your valuable time than to track down someone's resume off the web and see what they're about. We are not fish nipping at the bait of a cover letter to see who we can hire. They should be showing us why we should hire them, if they want us to look at it, they should send it. This person has some nerve.
  • I would write "No thank you" on the letter and fax it back. That should get their attention.
  • >I would write "No thank you" on the letter and fax it back. That
    >should get their attention.

    Hey, I am having that kind of day. Love this response!
  • At the risk of incurring the 'wrath of ritaanz' I'll suggest that this is maybe some young person merely following the idiotic advice of a professor, sorry Gillian. I think of my own kids and the stupid notions their college professors are putting in their heads about such things as job search, resumes, etc. Things like; the finest paper, beige tint, always put it in a clear jacket, never fold it, use nature stamps for postage, never more than one page and 6 bullets...........and probably telling them to fax a cover letter referencing a website. Ain't the poor kids' fault. Let's not send a harsh message back to the sender unless we know it's an adult or a headhunter. Just my off the wall thoughts, Don D.
  • My Dearest Don D: If we don't teach 'em, who will? As you pointed out, it will not be the professors. x:*
  • I'm also haivng the same kind of day........... thanks for sharing and making me feel better.
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