Remember That EE That Wanted the EEOC Phone Number?

You all gave me great assistance when I asked about an ee wanting the EEOC number...the ee just left me a message asking how many ee's that we have in our company. The ee's exact words were "I am filling out the EEOC form, and they want to know how many employees we have, please call me back and leave a message on my pager with a number" (he uses a company pager by the way. lol)

How accommodating should I be with this matter? :-? As always, your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Do not give the employee anything from this point forward. You can expect him next to ask for items from the file, company statistics, etc. Being kind and cooperative is one thing...........but, assisting him in the filing of a charge against the company is another. I view this the same as I would view an employee or ex-employee telling me he has a lawyer. From that precise point forward, the individual has drawn a line in the sand of sorts and an adversarial relationship exists, even though perhaps a gentle one. Tell him, "Charlie, I'm sure you will understand. I'm not going to assist you in the completion of your charge paperwork. That's not the company's role or obligation. If you have decided to file a charge, you have the responsibility, along with the EEOC staff, to complete and submit the required forms. They will contact me and the company in turn will consider their request and will offer a response. We are not at liberty to discuss the process further with you. You should address any questions to the investigator assigned to handle your charge. Have a great day."
  • U R the best Don D! Thank you for that information and valuable " ". You have always been so generous to me with your wisdom. Thank you! xhugs

  • If you have personnel practices insurance, contact the insurance company. Also, speak to an attorney. Retribution for filing an eeoc claim is illegal.
    However, what is company policy on the use of a pager for personal business? Is the ee filling out the form on company time and if so, what is company policy? Think about discussing these questions with an attorney. However, doing anything could be very unwise.
    I agree with Don D and not answer questions. I would also tell the ee that the company will respond to any written questions from the eeoc staff only.
  • Kari,
    Just think about what a great learning experience this has been, and will continue to be.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • I promiss to TRY to keep that in mind BalloonMan! Thanks again for all of the helpful input! (I didn't think you could learn so much in such a short amount of time. I am getting tired of these life lessons! And I am just getting started! xflash )

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